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怎麼看到螢火蟲? How to see Fireflies?



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新瓦屋文化保存區 Xinwa House Hakka Coultrue Preservation Area

一直都很欣賞客家文化、客家美食,客家族群位於桃竹苗以及高雄美濃, 而我們這次是到新竹新瓦屋,大家對新竹印象目前比較熟悉的科學園區,科技工廠, 都市高樓林立之中,新瓦屋客家文化保存區就隱藏在這裡。


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Lotus garden in Jinshan (A little Siberian Crane with old man farmer Mr. Huang)

Occasionally can see lotus in the pond near by home or in the park.  Seeing lotus in Jinshan is really different from what you usually see. After I visited with my mom, I saw the lotus flowers are very big and petals are luxuriant there.  The pink petals also have a pinkish gradient color,  as beatiful as Peonys are growing in a pond. Their name is  Peony Lotus. In addition to veiwing flowers and  eating lotus sseds, I heard about a touching story there after I visited the Jinshan Lotus Garden.  On 2014/12/23 , Mr. Huang was plowing the filds, he saw  neighbors watched something and disscused in front of it. Mr. Huang was curiously to see, just a little  white crane foraging in the field. Next morning when Mr. Hauang was farming, the little white crane he saw yesterday moved to closer to him. Mr. Huang called it "Baihe"( White Crane) to start a fate and friendship. The interaction between the white crane and the old man Mr. Huang getting deeper day by day. Mr. Huang planted acrece of lotus fild for small white crane love and enjoy to eat. 


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 Lion Head Park Hillside Tail

The landscape planing of Lion Head Hill Park is really confertable. Scenic hiking trails are easy to walk and comfortable. The hill is not high, it's very suitable for elders who like to appriciate the senery and also suitable for children. When is the best time arrive there? In summer the best time is after 4:00 in  the afternoon, and in close to winter or in winter the best time is arond 3:30. You can meet  sunset down from the coast  and the weather is not hot. Some friends also go there to greet sunrise in the morning.


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